Kristen Ridge grew up in Lafayette, Indiana. She attended Oakland Elementary, Tecumseh Middle School, and graduated in 2006 from Jefferson High School.

In 2008 she started a Youtube channel called xxglamxglamxx. She watched many makeup tutorials and decided she would make her own. She became what the Youtube community calls a "makeup guru".

She married in 2008, and her husband joined the military. Soon after, they received their first orders to move to Germany. While in Germany Kristen worked with a local boudoir photographer. There she was able use her creativity and become the makeup artist she is today.

In 2011, for the first time, Kristen became a published makeup artist. Appearing in Michael Enoches' book "Swim". Since then she has appeared a total of 3 times in Michael Enoches publications. 

Kristen now lives in Otterbein, Indiana and works with local family photographers. Although Kristen specializes in makeup for photography she also works with brides, prom/formal dance attendees, models, and in theatre. 

Kristen continues to create makeup tutorials on Youtube, but under the name KristenRidgeMUAH. 

" Watching Youtube tutorials really 

inspired me, and I really credit that for waking up the makeup artist within me "


"Swim" - Michael Enoches (Nov. 7, 2011)

 "Where Beauty and Ink Collide!: Skinned Canvases": Volume 1 - Michael Enoches

(Jan. 25, 2012)

 "Stockings: Sexy, Shiny, & Sheer" - Michael Enoches (May 22, 2012) (COVER)

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